Fall 2015: Night Time Must Haves

The weather is just starting to turn chilly. Well, unless you live in South Carolina. Because lately we've been getting all 4 seasons within the same week.

Nevertheless, I enjoy introducing a few things back into my routine that make the weather adjustment that much cozier. So here goes...

1.  Tea

I find that I sleep better when I have a nice cup of hot tea before bed. Usually I'll heat up the tea so that it's super hot and impossible to drink at first. That way, when I get out of the shower/bath and it's the perfect temperature.

2. Skin Moisturizer

It's so critical to keep the skin moisturized as the weather changes. I usually apply a product with some scent because I like to smell good (*wink*). But almost always, I add a little Vaseline to my routine because it truly keeps my skin soft and moisturized.

3. Candle

I relax better in an environment that smells good. Notice my smell good theme yet?

With that said, I love a good candle. Preferably 3-wick because they burn better.

It also just so happens that I used to have an unhealthy obsession (for my pockets😢) with those expensive Bath and Body Works -- 3-wick candles. Don't get me wrong, I still love them, but I found a nice little dupe that helps me keep a little extra change in my pockets. Yup, this little dozy is from Wally World and costs less that 5 bucks and it smells incredible.

4. Cozy/Fuzzy Attire

I have to wear nice soft (usually fuzzy) items in the fall. I may be weird, but the more colorful and fuzzy--the more it feels like fall to me.

5. An Equally Fuzzy Pillow

I'm not sure where I picked up this pillow, but I am so glad I picked up 4. They are so soft and I literally fall asleep as soon as my head hits one of them. These pillow rocks. **Added bonus: THEY ARE FUZZY! 😄

6. Eye Mask (Pictured above...)

Last, but definitely not least...my eye mask from Bed, Bath and Beyond.

Because lately I'm one of those people that don't turn off all the lights when I go to bed -- this mask just helps to make everything dark. I'm not sure why, but I don't. This is weird because I sleep so much better in rooms that are completely dark. So...I just slip this over my eyes for the best of both worlds. It's also an awesome gauge in determining how sleepy I am. Especially when I wake up the next morning and my mask is somewhere crazy like under the bed. Go figure.... 😕

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