A close friend of mine posted the image for this post on social media a few years ago. Of course...
I found it absolutely hilarious! Mostly because I know him and his spirit (which I obviouisly love)!
After chuckling for quite a while, I saved the image because it resonated with my life on such an intimate level! "Why, you ask?" Becuase I personally could think of so many occasions where this picture could literally sum up my entire day, week, month, or even specific moment(s) in life.
Especially times when I thought I had had a good grip on life, only to find out, I needed to take the passenger seat and let God drive because I was completely lost! And not to get all preachy, but life has taught me, over and over again, that I need to check in with God first! Not as a last ditch option.
Recently, I had a friend come back into my life. We've know each other for decades and our friendship remained somewhat constant through lifes up and downs. Partially due to the fact that we have such a decent foundation.
Nevertheless, we both were at "cross-road" moments in our lives when we began communicating more and more. And perhaps, we both were somewhat frustrated by what we faced at our own "cross-roads" and the idea that we would each independently need to choose a direction.
Isn't it funny how someone can just walk into your life and tell you how to fix your stuff, but they have no clue how to organize any of their own mess?!? Well, that was us. Good friends trying to figure it out. Each of us having more insight on how to solve the others problem--rather than choosing our own next path.
And then one day, during my own personal time with the Lord, I was led to Luke 4:1-13. During this study, I read about Jesus in the wilderness for 40 days. During this time, he was tempted several times in areas where he was strong. Did you hear what I said? The areas of his life where he was strong and had the ability to make changes becuase he could based on the blessings that God had already given him. Sounds familiar? Well, for me it did.
But Jesus did not waver. He held out for God's will and perfect timing. Not only did this act bring him closer to God, but he was a perfect example of faith. And then it hit me. Sometimes what we are tempted to do isn't wrong in itself. For Jesus, turing that stone into a piece of bread wasn't the real issue or sin. It was doing it becuase Satin made the reccomendation. And we can guess safely that his reason for the suggestion to Jesus did not come from a warm and loving place.
So, the sin was not the true issue, but the act and reason behind the decision was where sin entered the picture. You see, when we make moves in life beuase we put our own selfish desires first and we know in our spirit we need to show patience and faith by waiting on the will of God--this is like us telling God we got a handle on our own life.
Luke is also a perfect example of the devil trying to get Jesus to take shortcuts, while he was out in the wilderness of life.
Sound famliar to anyone? Okay, maybe its just me. Becuase I can remember being in a place where I wanted something so badly and I had the power to "get the ball rolling" all on my own. But, at the same time questioning whether my move was going to be right or even at the right time?
Mostly importantly, was my hasty decisioin going to put me outside of God's will?
See, Satin doesn't switch up his tactics, only the people he tries. Over time, many have fallen short by attempting to fufill legit desire outside of God's will or ahead of his time.
So, we must ask ourselves if the Holy Spirit is leading us. If not, pull over and let the right one get into the driver's seat! Who is driving for you right now?
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